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June 22, 2024

Exploring the 12th House: Tangible and Intangible Insights - PART TWO

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Our 11th House

Join us for Part 2 in our deep dive into the 12th house of astrology. After a 7-month break, we continue exploring psychological unconsciousness, collective unconscious connections, self-undoing, dreams, shadow work, and spirituality. This episode includes practical examples and chart analyses of celebrities like Meryl Streep, Jodie Foster, and Madonna. We also delve into annual perfection years and share insights on how to navigate and integrate 12th house energies into your life. Don't miss our upcoming workshop series on creating art to represent your astrological houses!


Grab a copy of⁠ House Magic: Your Grab & Go Guide to Astrology House Insights⁠. It has all the cheat sheets to need to start working with house. 🎨 ARTUL HOUSES SERIES 🖌️

Are you interested in learning about your birth chart in a hands-on and creative way? 👉🏽 Get on the ⁠Artful Houses workshop series waitlist⁠

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